Health in the real world is a challenging prospect. We have many things out there that persuade us from our desire to eat well, feel well, and be well. We probably don’t need to list them for you - but here are just a few; fast food, social media, marketing, consumerism, politics, fast lives, full schedules, social pressures, and more. And as you know, how we feel is interconnected with what we consume and can become a vicious circle. Health however can’t happen in a vacuum. It has to swap and swing. It has to have its ups and downs. Balance is just one point, one point in a constantly changing environment. Instead, we challenge you to flow with your life. Put the structure in place to help increase your success and ride the wave. Learn, grow, evolve. Today let's talk about the things that work well for you when life gets out of control.
Buy What is Best: Fill your house will good food. If it’s not in there, the likelihood of you eating it decreases.
Prep the Week: Meal prep is an act of forward-thinking that forces you to look at the week ahead. It’s a great way to make sure that you can have more home-cooked meals while spotting challenges in the schedule.
Eat on the Run: Have your healthy options when out of the house. Do you know where you can go to get a salad, sushi, vegetable soup, green smoothie? If you have to stop at a grocery store, what are the top three things you can pick up that actually support you and your goals? Have a basic routine of solutions and then expand as you explore deeper. Have you checked out the Eating Out Resource Guide yet?
Have Food Will Travel: It might be easier just to pack your amazing food. Get a good small cooler and make a double batch of smoothies, or salad. Hummus and almond butter pack well. JKB uses this bowl to bring salads with her to the park.
Upgrade Treats: Eating clean can taste good. Try some gluten-free, vegan Ginger Energy Balls or Chocolate Pumpkin Bars to show you that great options can exist!
Make and share a plan for eating healthy in the real world. Here are just a few things to consider:
Meal plan hacks & apps
Snacks you can take on the run
Places you can find options when out and about
Actions you need to change to increase your success (over-sleeping)
What could you stop bringing home from the store? And to support the craving, is there another upgraded option that could support you?
What structures need to be put in place for you to be more successful moving forward?
Share at least one aspect of your plan with us over on WhatsApp.

Meal Plan Ideas
Make a double batch of quinoa or brown rice today and use it for a snack or lunch for later this week. Both of these can be easily added to soups or salads to as grounding and bulk to lighter meals.

Grounding Breath Work
Pause, close your eyes, and simply observe your breath.
Start to count to 3 on both your inhales and your exhales.
Then slowly start to lengthen your exhales to the count of 5.
Feel the weight of your body as you breathe out to slow the spinning world around you.
Take as many as you need, as often as you need.
Want an audio version - see below.

Self Care
Drink a cup of tea... Tea contains antioxidants that help keep us young. It also has many benefits including reducing heart disease, lowering blood pressure, helping with weight loss, protecting your bones, and whitening your teeth! It can also be a ritual of slowing down and connecting to oneself. Give it a shot today, taking some grounding breaths along the way.

Fast Grabs
If I am going to a place with limited whole food options, e.g. the zoo, museum, or Legoland, my go-to food is a salad in a mason jar. You can take it everywhere (double-check to make sure glass is acceptable).
Pro tip: Keep the dressing in a separate container.